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Official Language of Mexico

Enhance your travel experience in Mexico with essential Spanish words and phrases, complete with phonetic pronunciations. Our guide covers greetings, basic conversation, accommodations, directions, transportation, health, dining, shopping, emergencies, and more, tailored for travelers.


  1. Hola - (OH-lah) - Hello

  2. Adiós - (ah-DYOS) - Goodbye

  3. Buenos días - (BWEH-nos DEE-ahs) - Good morning

  4. Buenas tardes - (BWEH-nas TAR-des) - Good afternoon

  5. Buenas noches - (BWEH-nas NOH-ches) - Good evening/night

  6. ¿Cómo está? - (KOH-moh es-TAH?) - How are you? (formal)

  7. ¿Qué tal? - (keh TAL?) - How's it going? (informal)

  8. Mucho gusto - (MOO-choh GOOS-toh) - Nice to meet you

  9. Gracias - (GRAH-syas) - Thank you

  10. Por favor - (por fah-VOR) - Please

Basic Conversational Phrases and Pronouns

  1. Sí - (see) - Yes

  2. No - (noh) - No

  3. ¿Dónde está...? - (DOHN-deh es-TAH...?) - Where is...?

  4. ¿Cuánto cuesta? - (KWAN-toh KWES-tah?) - How much does it cost?

  5. Yo - (yoh) - I

  6. Tú - (too) - You (informal)

  7. Él/Ella - (el/AY-yah) - He/She

  8. Nosotros/Nosotras - (noh-SOH-tros/noh-SOH-tras) - We

  9. Ellos/Ellas - (AY-yos/AY-yas) - They

  10. Perdón - (pehr-DOHN) - Excuse me


  1. Hotel - (oh-TEL) - Hotel

  2. Habitación - (ah-bee-tah-SYOHN) - Room

  3. Reserva - (re-SER-vah) - Reservation

  4. Llave - (YAH-veh) - Key

  5. Baño - (BAH-nyoh) - Bathroom

  6. Agua caliente - (AH-gwah kah-LYEN-teh) - Hot water

  7. Aire acondicionado - (AH-ee-reh ah-kohn-dee-syah-NAH-doh) - Air conditioning

  8. Toalla - (toh-AH-yah) - Towel

  9. Cama - (KAH-mah) - Bed

  10. Recepción - (reh-sep-SYOHN) - Reception


  1. Izquierda - (ees-KYER-dah) - Left

  2. Derecha - (deh-REH-chah) - Right

  3. Recto - (REK-toh) - Straight

  4. Mapa - (MAH-pah) - Map

  5. Cerca - (SER-kah) - Near

  6. Lejos - (LEH-hos) - Far

  7. Calle - (KAH-yeh) - Street

  8. Esquina - (es-KEE-nah) - Corner

  9. Norte - (NOR-teh) - North

  10. Sur - (soor) - South


  1. Autobús - (ow-toh-BOOS) - Bus

  2. Taxi - (TAK-see) - Taxi

  3. Tren - (tren) - Train

  4. Aeropuerto - (ah-eh-roo-PWER-toh) - Airport

  5. Estación - (ehs-tah-SYOHN) - Station

  6. Boleto - (boh-LEH-toh) - Ticket

  7. Horario - (oh-RAH-ryoh) - Schedule

  8. Salida - (sah-LEE-dah) - Departure

  9. Llegada - (yeh-GAH-dah) - Arrival

  10. Parada - (pah-RAH-dah) - Stop

Health and Wellness

  1. Doctor/Doctora - (DOK-tor/DOK-toh-rah) - Doctor

  2. Farmacia - (far-MAH-syah) - Pharmacy

  3. Medicina - (meh-dee-SEE-nah) - Medicine

  4. Hospital - (os-pee-TAL) - Hospital

  5. Dolor - (DOH-lor) - Pain

  6. Fiebre - (FYEH-breh) - Fever

  7. Alergia - (al-EHR-hyah) - Allergy

  8. Ayuda - (ah-YOO-dah) - Help

  9. Seguro - (seh-GOO-roh) - Insurance

  10. Emergencia - (eh-mehr-HEN-syah) - Emergency

Restaurant and Food/Dietary Restrictions

  1. Menú - (meh-NOO) - Menu

  2. Agua - (AH-gwah) - Water

  3. Sin gluten - (seen GLOO-ten) - Gluten-free

  4. Vegano - (veh-GAH-noh) - Vegan

  5. Vegetariano - (veh-heh-tah-RYAH-noh) - Vegetarian

  6. Cuenta - (KWEN-tah) - Bill

  7. Propina - (proh-PEE-nah) - Tip

  8. Comida - (koh-MEE-dah) - Food

  9. Bebida - (beh-BEE-dah) - Drink

  10. Alérgico a... - (ah-LEHR-hee-koh ah...) - Allergic to...

Shopping and Money

  1. Tienda - (TYEN-dah) - Shop

  2. Precio - (PREH-syo) - Price

  3. Dinero - (dee-NEH-roh) - Money

  4. Tarjeta - (tar-HET-ah) - Card

  5. Efectivo - (eh-FEK-tee-voh) - Cash

  6. Cambio - (KAHM-byoh) - Change

  7. Mercado - (mer-KAH-doh) - Market

  8. Descuento - (des-KWEN-toh) - Discount

  9. Caro - (KAH-roh) - Expensive

  10. Barato - (bah-RAH-toh) - Cheap


  1. Ayuda - (ah-YOO-dah) - Help

  2. Policía - (po-LEE-syah) - Police

  3. Incendio - (een-SEN-dyo) - Fire

  4. Peligro - (peh-LEE-groh) - Danger

  5. Accidente - (ahk-see-DEN-teh) - Accident

  6. Urgencia - (oor-HEN-syah) - Urgency

  7. Robo - (ROH-boh) - Theft

  8. Perdido - (pehr-DEE-doh) - Lost

  9. Emergencia - (eh-mehr-HEN-syah) - Emergency

  10. Seguro - (seh-GOO-roh) - Insurance

Days of the Week and Numbers 1-10

  • Lunes - (LOO-nes) - Monday

  • Martes - (MAR-tes) - Tuesday

  • Miércoles - (mee-EHR-koh-les) - Wednesday

  • Jueves - (HWEH-ves) - Thursday

  • Viernes - (vee-EHR-nes) - Friday

  • Sábado - (SAH-bah-doh) - Saturday

  • Domingo - (doh-MEEN-goh) - Sunday

  • Uno - (OO-noh) - One

  • Dos - (dos) - Two

  • Tres - (tres) - Three

  • Cuatro - (KWA-troh) - Four

  • Cinco - (SEEN-koh) - Five

  • Seis - (seis) - Six

  • Siete - (SYEH-teh) - Seven

  • Ocho - (OH-choh) - Eight

  • Nueve - (NWEE-veh) - Nine

  • Diez - (dyehs) - Ten

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