Enhance your travel experience in Mexico with essential Spanish words and phrases, complete with phonetic pronunciations. Our guide covers greetings, basic conversation, accommodations, directions, transportation, health, dining, shopping, emergencies, and more, tailored for travelers.
Hola - (OH-lah) - Hello
Adiós - (ah-DYOS) - Goodbye
Buenos días - (BWEH-nos DEE-ahs) - Good morning
Buenas tardes - (BWEH-nas TAR-des) - Good afternoon
Buenas noches - (BWEH-nas NOH-ches) - Good evening/night
¿Cómo está? - (KOH-moh es-TAH?) - How are you? (formal)
¿Qué tal? - (keh TAL?) - How's it going? (informal)
Mucho gusto - (MOO-choh GOOS-toh) - Nice to meet you
Gracias - (GRAH-syas) - Thank you
Por favor - (por fah-VOR) - Please
Basic Conversational Phrases and Pronouns
Sí - (see) - Yes
No - (noh) - No
¿Dónde está...? - (DOHN-deh es-TAH...?) - Where is...?
¿Cuánto cuesta? - (KWAN-toh KWES-tah?) - How much does it cost?
Yo - (yoh) - I
Tú - (too) - You (informal)
Él/Ella - (el/AY-yah) - He/She
Nosotros/Nosotras - (noh-SOH-tros/noh-SOH-tras) - We
Ellos/Ellas - (AY-yos/AY-yas) - They
Perdón - (pehr-DOHN) - Excuse me
Hotel - (oh-TEL) - Hotel
Habitación - (ah-bee-tah-SYOHN) - Room
Reserva - (re-SER-vah) - Reservation
Llave - (YAH-veh) - Key
Baño - (BAH-nyoh) - Bathroom
Agua caliente - (AH-gwah kah-LYEN-teh) - Hot water
Aire acondicionado - (AH-ee-reh ah-kohn-dee-syah-NAH-doh) - Air conditioning
Toalla - (toh-AH-yah) - Towel
Cama - (KAH-mah) - Bed
Recepción - (reh-sep-SYOHN) - Reception
Izquierda - (ees-KYER-dah) - Left
Derecha - (deh-REH-chah) - Right
Recto - (REK-toh) - Straight
Mapa - (MAH-pah) - Map
Cerca - (SER-kah) - Near
Lejos - (LEH-hos) - Far
Calle - (KAH-yeh) - Street
Esquina - (es-KEE-nah) - Corner
Norte - (NOR-teh) - North
Sur - (soor) - South
Autobús - (ow-toh-BOOS) - Bus
Taxi - (TAK-see) - Taxi
Tren - (tren) - Train
Aeropuerto - (ah-eh-roo-PWER-toh) - Airport
Estación - (ehs-tah-SYOHN) - Station
Boleto - (boh-LEH-toh) - Ticket
Horario - (oh-RAH-ryoh) - Schedule
Salida - (sah-LEE-dah) - Departure
Llegada - (yeh-GAH-dah) - Arrival
Parada - (pah-RAH-dah) - Stop
Health and Wellness
Doctor/Doctora - (DOK-tor/DOK-toh-rah) - Doctor
Farmacia - (far-MAH-syah) - Pharmacy
Medicina - (meh-dee-SEE-nah) - Medicine
Hospital - (os-pee-TAL) - Hospital
Dolor - (DOH-lor) - Pain
Fiebre - (FYEH-breh) - Fever
Alergia - (al-EHR-hyah) - Allergy
Ayuda - (ah-YOO-dah) - Help
Seguro - (seh-GOO-roh) - Insurance
Emergencia - (eh-mehr-HEN-syah) - Emergency
Restaurant and Food/Dietary Restrictions
Menú - (meh-NOO) - Menu
Agua - (AH-gwah) - Water
Sin gluten - (seen GLOO-ten) - Gluten-free
Vegano - (veh-GAH-noh) - Vegan
Vegetariano - (veh-heh-tah-RYAH-noh) - Vegetarian
Cuenta - (KWEN-tah) - Bill
Propina - (proh-PEE-nah) - Tip
Comida - (koh-MEE-dah) - Food
Bebida - (beh-BEE-dah) - Drink
Alérgico a... - (ah-LEHR-hee-koh ah...) - Allergic to...
Shopping and Money
Tienda - (TYEN-dah) - Shop
Precio - (PREH-syo) - Price
Dinero - (dee-NEH-roh) - Money
Tarjeta - (tar-HET-ah) - Card
Efectivo - (eh-FEK-tee-voh) - Cash
Cambio - (KAHM-byoh) - Change
Mercado - (mer-KAH-doh) - Market
Descuento - (des-KWEN-toh) - Discount
Caro - (KAH-roh) - Expensive
Barato - (bah-RAH-toh) - Cheap
Ayuda - (ah-YOO-dah) - Help
Policía - (po-LEE-syah) - Police
Incendio - (een-SEN-dyo) - Fire
Peligro - (peh-LEE-groh) - Danger
Accidente - (ahk-see-DEN-teh) - Accident
Urgencia - (oor-HEN-syah) - Urgency
Robo - (ROH-boh) - Theft
Perdido - (pehr-DEE-doh) - Lost
Emergencia - (eh-mehr-HEN-syah) - Emergency
Seguro - (seh-GOO-roh) - Insurance
Days of the Week and Numbers 1-10
Lunes - (LOO-nes) - Monday
Martes - (MAR-tes) - Tuesday
Miércoles - (mee-EHR-koh-les) - Wednesday
Jueves - (HWEH-ves) - Thursday
Viernes - (vee-EHR-nes) - Friday
Sábado - (SAH-bah-doh) - Saturday
Domingo - (doh-MEEN-goh) - Sunday
Uno - (OO-noh) - One
Dos - (dos) - Two
Tres - (tres) - Three
Cuatro - (KWA-troh) - Four
Cinco - (SEEN-koh) - Five
Seis - (seis) - Six
Siete - (SYEH-teh) - Seven
Ocho - (OH-choh) - Eight
Nueve - (NWEE-veh) - Nine
Diez - (dyehs) - Ten